Frequently Asked Questions


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Is there any obligation associated with getting a quote?

No. I understand that you may not be ready for production and occasionally the price is not right for your part. You can always contact me to discuss how I can work with you to achieve your goals, but receiving a quote doesn’t have any implicit obligation for you.

What is the average lead time for a part?

Naturally, this depends on part complexity and required outside services. For simple, low-volume projects, I can typically deliver parts within a week of order confirmation, but outside services typically take an additional week each, and specialty materials may take more time to acquire before I can begin.

What does your pricing look like?

Every part is priced based on material requirements, how long it will take to setup and run on the machine, outside services, and other similar factors. I have made parts anywhere from $5 each to $100 or more each. Feel free to get a quote to determine what the cost of your project may be.

Do I need a blueprint to recieve a quote or to get a part manufactured?

No. While a solid model or blueprint is extremely helpful, I can communicate with you to make sure we have the same part in mind, and will even send a solid model to confirm details if that is found to be necessary.

Can you work with me to finalize a design?

Yes. If you need input on manufacturability or process and material selection, I will be glad to work with you. For more complex design requests, please contact me to see what I can do for you.

How do you schedule machining priority?

I base what order parts go on the machines on what our customers require. Quotes usually include lead times that reflect my current workload as well as the lead times of my vendors. If you need a part done quickly, let me know in your quote request and I will try to meet your needs.

What benefit is there to giving more time for delivery?

If you give me more time to deliver a part, I can schedule it into my workflow more easily, perhaps with similar parts. This allows me to optimize setup time and slightly reduce the price of your order as a whole.

How does your machine access system work, and what does it mean to me?

I currently have an agreement with an established machine shop owner, my former employer, to produce parts on idle equipment if I do not have the machinery in house. This allows me to grow our customer base with lower expenses, reducing the price to you, the customer. As I purchase more equipment, I will gradually increase in-house capacity.

If I have more questions, where can I find more answers?

Feel free to get in touch anytime using our form or emailing me at